whatsapp scams

Top 8 WhatsApp Scams to Look Out for in 2023

August 25, 2023 11:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts
whatsapp scams to avoid

What is WhatsApp?

WhatsApp, the globally acclaimed secure messaging app, has become integral to our digital lives. We use it to chat with friends, share memes, and, yes, even forward those “good luck for seven years” messages. But, as with any online playground, there’s always that one party pooper – WhatsApp scams!

If you need an expert to identify a scam, use Hogo’s ScamAssist Tool to further investigate potential scams.

Here are the top 8 WhatsApp Scams to avoid:

8 Common WhatsApp Scams

1. The “You Won a Prize” Mirage ?

You may have received a message from the Mega Millions people saying you won a prize. Or you receive a QR code to scan to claim your big prize. Remember this: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Mega Millions people are not in the business of giving out money to people who didn’t purchase lottery tickets. If you click the link, you may have just given away your personal info or downloaded a malware cocktail.

2. The Suspicious “Links of Destiny” ?

WhatsApp is notorious for those intriguing links sent by contacts you haven’t heard from in ages. Before you eagerly tap, take a step back. Verify the source, check for spelling errors, and if it looks dodgy, don’t click. Your WhatsApp karma will thank you later.

3. The “Earn Money While Sleeping” Lullaby ?

Ah, the allure of making money effortlessly! You receive a message promising unimaginable riches through a secret method. All you have to do is invest a small fortune, and voilà, you’re the next Warren Buffett! Well, wake up, Sleeping Beauty, it’s a scam. Remember the old adage: “If it sounds too easy, it’s probably cheesy.”

4. The ‘Request for OTP’ Charade ?

Beware of messages asking for your One-Time Password (OTP) or Verification Code. Whether it’s the “You’re logged in somewhere else” or “We need to verify your account” shtick, never share your OTP. WhatsApp, and your bank will never ask for it. It’s like giving your house keys to a burglar. Lock your digital doors!

5. The “Forward to Save the World” Chain Letters ?

Remember those chain letters from back in the day? Well, they’ve evolved into “forward this message to 10 friends, or you’ll have bad luck for a year.” Don’t fall for it. Your luck isn’t tied to your forward button. Besides, your friends might appreciate fewer “good luck” messages.

6. The “Identity Thief” Switcheroo ?

Sometimes, scammers pose as someone you know, like your cousin Bob, your aunt Sally, or even your own children. This is known as the Impersonation or “The Mom and Dad” scam. They’ll ask for money urgently, claiming they’re in a tight spot. Before you hit that send button, pick up the phone and call your loved one. It’s the quickest way to verify if it’s them or an impostor.

7. The “Fake Tech Support” Drama ?️

Scammers might pose as WhatsApp tech support, warning you of suspicious activity on your account. They’ll kindly offer to fix it if you provide some personal information, your verification code, or install a “security app.” Spoiler alert: WhatsApp doesn’t have tech support through chat, and they would never ask for your verification code. It’s faker than a three-dollar bill.

8. The “Golden Upgrade” Lie ?

There was a rumor going around you could get a special edition of WhatsApp, called WhatsApp Gold, with exciting new features if you click on this link and download the software. But WhatsApp Gold does not exist. If someone told you it was real, delete the message immediately.

9. The “Crypto Romance” Ruse ?

Like any other messaging platform, romance scams are present on WhatsApp. Scammers lure victims in by confessing their love fast and impressing them with their wealth (typically from cryptocurrency success). This is followed by asking the victim to make an investment, which is immediately stolen. You deserve better, babes. 

Can you get scammed on WhatsApp?

Yes, you can get scammed on WhatsApp. But, by staying informed on the latest WhatsApp scams and red flags, you can protect yourself and avoid significant consequences.

Remember, if you are unsure whether you received a scam message, email, voicemail, then try using Hogo’s ScamAssist Tool to further investigate potential scams.

user texting on WhatApp

How to Report WhatsApp Scams

  • Open the chat with the user you want to report.
  • Tap the contact name.
  • Tap Report Contact.
  • Tap Report And Block.

In Conclusion: Trust, but Verify ?️‍♂️

WhatsApp is a wonderful tool for communication, but like any digital avenue, it has its fair share of scams. Keep your wits about you, just as you would in other messaging apps, and trust your instincts. Keep your device and app updated to avoid the bugs scammers can exploit. Use Two-Factor Authentication to protect your WhatsApp account. Always be cautious when faced with suspicious messages or requests. 

Remember, in the world of WhatsApp, the only blue tick you can trust is the one that signifies your message has been read. Stay safe, and happy chatting! ??

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This post was written by Adrian Yang

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